Kindness #2

Today at lunch my friend couldn’t get her backpack out of her locker. I helped her push out her backpack out of her locker. Her locker was on the bottom so it was a little easier to help get out. She thanked me and it made me feel warm inside that I did a good deed to help someone that could do something on there own.


The other day at Hollyburn country club, I was walking out the door and noticed an elder lady holding a lot of stuff. I opened the door for her so she could get through without hurting herself our dropping some of her items. She said ‘ Thank you so much’ it made me feel really good that I could help someone I need.


One is a book written and illustrated by Kathryn Oteshi. The theme in this story is about standing up for your self and others. This story is about colors who are being bullied by red and are feeling uncomfortable in their color. One day a number one comes and makes them laugh and have fun red gets mad that there not scared of him anymore. They all stand up to red to get him to stop bullying, in the end, they are friends and are happy. My thoughts on this  book are that its a very nice book and a great lesson for younger students.

Ivan The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla

‘Ivan the remarkable true story of the shopping mall gorilla’ is a story written by Katherine Applegate and is illustrated by G. Brian Karas.  This is a true story about a gorilla named Ivan who was 6 months and was took by humans. He and another gorilla Burma were taking to a shopping mall to attract customers, shortly after the gorillas were brought there Burma died and Ivan was alone. He lived in a humans house until he was five then they moved him into a cage cause he was getting too big to live with the humans. Ivan stayed at the mall for 27 years. Humans started to get angry with Ivan in the cage, people started to create protests and sending letters to the people. Finally, Ivan was released into a gorilla habitat with other gorillas, he lived there until he was 53 then died in 2012. ‘Ivan the remarkable true story of the shopping mall gorilla’ is a book about bravery I think this because Ivan was brave during his time in the mall. I think this book has a really good lesson of bravery and is a heartfelt story.

Nerdy Birdy Tweets

‘Nerdy birdy tweets’ is a story written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Matt Davies. This story is about a bird called nerdy bird and his best friend Vulture, there was a new app called ‘tweetser’ where you can talk to people around the world and make friends. Vulture wasn’t as into technology as Nerdy bird so he didnt has as much fun with the app, Nerdy bird ending up having 500 followers and was too attached to the app. Vulture thought that they didnt hang out as much because of the app and felt Longley. Birdy promised that he would spend less time on his phone and they started having fun again, but nerdy bird ending up posting a photo that Vulture didnt want anyone to see and he got upset and hurt. Nerdy birdy felt very horrible and he apologized and they did something they both wanted to do. The lesson in this story is to be careful what you do online and do not forget who your friends are. This book is good for younger students especially for most of the kids who already have phones and tech.

What Do You Do With An Idea

‘What do you do with an idea’ is a book written by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Mae Besom. This book is about a little boy who had an idea but he is scared to share it and spread it to the world. His idea grows and gets bigger and people think its crazy. But he stuck with his idea, he was brave enough to share it and knew that it would change the world. He set it free and it changed the world. The message in this story is to let out your ideas and share them because they could change the world. My thoughts on the book are that, it’s a good book to share with kids. I think that this book is good for elementary age students and can help some kids that have ideas too.


‘Chopsticks’ is a cute book written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Scott Magoon. Chopsticks are about a pair of chopsticks that go everywhere with each other. Once one of the chopsticks got hurt he told his other half to go adventure and not stay with him. When the other chopstick went out he noticed that he could do stuff without the other chopstick. In the end, the other chopstick got better and they both realized that there are some things that you can do on your own. I would say this book is for k-Gr 4 because it is a bit on the younger side of elementary.  The lesson in this book is that sometimes you need to do things on your own and don’t always have to have a friend.


Spoon is a picture book that was written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Scott Magoon. This book is about a young spoon in a huge family of the spoon’s who sometimes he gets bored of being a spoon and wants to become a fork our another utensil like his friends. Spoon gets sad and feels jealous and wants to be something other than a spoon, his parents show him that its good to be yourself and that other people might have wanted to be a spoon too. This book is a good lesson for young kids of being yourself, I think this is a really good lesson for kids and its a great way of showing it to them.

Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind The Peace Prize

The story ‘Alfred Nobel’ was written by Kathy-Jo Wargin and illustrated by Zachary Pullen. This book is about the person who created the Nobel prize. In this story, Alfred was a man that loved books and poetry, with his brothers he ending up creating dynamite. He became famous and hoped that this would mean no conflicts and war because people know how much harm it could do. Dynamite ending up creating more war and Alfred became depressed and when he died he said in his in his will to give prizes to people who earned them. It became the Nobel peace prize and over generations has become one of the biggest prizes in the world.

I Used to be a Fish

‘I used to be a fish’ Is a story written and illustrated Tom Sullivan, Its about a boy who is looking into Evolution a bit differently. The book still relates to evolution but this boy thinks that he used to be a fish that turned into an animal with legs until he evolved into our earliest ancestors than to a human. The boy was imagining that he was alive since the beginning of time. This story was very cute for elementary school children.  The moral of the story is imagination and that you can do or dream anything with your head. In conclusion, this story was a great choice and is a cute great book for kids.