‘Stolen words’

‘Stolen words’ is a powerful children’s book about a little girl helping her grandpa remember he’s culture that was taking away from Residencial school. This book was created by Mealanie Florence and illistrated by Gabrielle Grimard this really touched me in many ways first off this isnt just in this story it happend to a lot of familys that might still be broken inside from these awful schools, Also I still dont understand why the europien are even allowed on this land they should have been banished. Its such a beautiful culture and in the future there should be a place were everyone can just see why this culture and langage is so special and uniqe . The way this little girl could help her grandpa like that is amazing Stolen words is a really good book and a great story for younger kids to learn about.

Hey, Little Ant

“Hey, Little Ant” is a book that my class and I read today, it was written by Phillip + Hanna Hoose illustrated by Debbie Tilley. The type of book is about bullying. The book is about a kid who wants to squash an ant. The Ant and the child have an argument on how the kid should or should not be squashing the ant. I would say that the book is more for a primary/younger elementary school student. I liked the book because it shows younger children that bullying is not cool but they showed it to them in a fun way they would understand. All in all this book was really good and a great example for kids.